Moon Mining database and enhanced alliance informations

February 2nd, 2009

Due to the great feedback i recently added several new features and pages.

Moon Mining Database:
I added a moon database to the evemaps webpage. Those database covers the moon mineral distribution. The region overview page shows you the moon mineral distribution along with  which system covers which kind of moons plus a complete summary for the region itself. On the system details page you can now find  a list of all moons including their raw materials.

This database is not part of CCP’s static database export and completely based on user reports. There’s no guarantee that minerals are correct or even complete.

The first inital input of moon minerals is taken from moon surveys i could find on That contains some lowsec systems (from the Moon Map Project) and Moon Scans from the 0.0 regions Deklein, Fountain and Querious.

If you want to improve the moon mining database, please contact me ingame or send a mail to wollari @ I’ll find a way to import your lists into my database.

Here are some nice screenshots from the moon mining lists:

Moons per Regions

Moons per regions

Moons Per System

Moons per system

Recently Gained/Lossed Systems
Another idea came from a comment in my last blog. To monitor the big wars between GBC vs NC/Goon it would be cool to see the last lost and gained systems from an alliance in the last weeks. Here we go.

Recently lost systems (last 3 weeks) (Goonswarm)

Recently lost systems (last 3 weeks) (Goonswarm)

The get a better overview (especially for the larger alliances) i moved the alliance information’s into 3 tabs. Outposts/Systems, Member Corporations and Recent Changes.

Grid on PDF Maps
In the eve-online forum, Teclador asked if i could add a grid to the PDF maps, for easier reading and coordination on voice comms. I hope the new layout is fine for you.

Grid on PDF Maps

Grid on PDF Maps

New Player Outposts
Additional to the last 5 new outposts on the sidebar, I’ve added a page on request that shows the last 30 outposts with more detailed informations.

15 Responses to “Moon Mining database and enhanced alliance informations”

  1. Netzvamp says:

    Nice, very nice 🙂

    Only one thing: I see in the Lost-Table some entry without sovlost. For Example: Old Sov = 2, new Sov = 3, Alliance is the same. Is this cause the system was lost some days and is now back under the sov of the alliance? if yes, then the system is not lost 😀
    Can you make a better filter for the systems?

    Thanks for all, i know that i give you much to do, sorry 😀

    • Wollari says:

      Yes, it was a typo in the SQL query. It’s fixed by now and draws a complete different light on the lost systems.

      What kind of system filter would me more useful and in which page?

      • Netzvamp says:

        Looks good, only a small thing to fix:

        Look @ B-588R in the Lost-Table. This system was lost and is now reclaimed by majesta. It isn’t lost, so it shouldn’t be there in this table 🙂

        To the filter: Was only about fixing the bug, you’ve done it 😀

        • Wollari says:

          That could be a discussion point. If due to pos warfare, a system is losing their Sov 3 Status (Cyno Jammed, etc) and the system is dropping to 0 it’s lost. If the holder alliance is able to rescue it and starts gaining sov, then the system is back, but with a downgraded sov level.

          I know this could confuse someone, to see it as a lost system and gained system, but this shows the dynamic of eve and which systems were recently under attack.

          • Netzvamp says:

            k, right, but can we change the backgroundcolor of such entrys?

            Other Idea, but i don’t know if this idea is good enought 😉


            This could be a bit like the influence map (but without the cool area-algorithm 😀 ). I have modified the alphablending of the circles to show the sovlevels, but i’m not a graphical genius 😛
            The brown marker is to show sovchanges in the maps.

            I know it looks a bit ugly, cuz i used first time InkScape but it shows what i try to say 😀

  2. Pronas says:

    very good new improvement.

    From first look for the moon page look very good. For missing system would be interresting to be able to contribute and update information on them and also report false or incomplete data.

    For Recently Gained/Lossed Systems would be better to just display gain and lose and not sov level gain (or on another table)

    • Wollari says:

      In the lost table was a bug. It’s fixed.

      If you want to contribute moondata, you can always contact me. ingame or out-of-game with an email to

      If you have region scan, you can give me list and I’ll convert it to a format that my import scripts are able to understand. I’ve done it already with the PDF/Excel/Text files I found on

  3. Pronas says:

    Even if currently there is no T2 moon miner, would be better to store this information if not already done

    • Wollari says:

      Sorry, but what’s a T2 Moon Miner?

      • Pronas says:

        Check in game for Moon Harvesting Array II
        Harvester Quality = 2 Means you can mine 2 time faster on aboundance moon of 2 or greater.
        Moon are generally aboundance of 1 but some have 2 and find some up to 4 (or more maybe could exist)

  4. Hats says:

    Very nice, I prefer your maps to many others out there. Little thing, just a nitpick really.

    On the Special Maps, you have “Brance” written instead of “Branch”. 😉

    Keep it up.

  5. Sartie says:

    hi wollari, ich weiß nich obs geht, aber weißte, was ne prima Sache wäre? Wenn es in der Map nicht nur eine “info”- Droplist gäbe, sondern “info 1” und “info2”. Dann könnte man nochmal mehr Nutzen aus den Maps ziehen, indem man zb direkt “jumps” und “shipkills” gleichzeitig für jedes Sys angezeigt bekäme, oder meinetwegen “belts” und “security” oooder auch “jumps” und “npc-kills” (nett zum aufspüren von macro- rattern^^) usw usf

    Keep up the good work und nochmal viele tausend Dankeschöns für diese Webseite 🙂

    • Wollari says:

      Das Problem ich weder die technische Machbarkeit, sondern eher die Lesbarkeit und Übersichtlichkeit. Die Schriften sind eh schon relativ klein und bei zuviel Text/Infos würden die Zahlen evtl abgeschnitten bzw. unlesbar sein. Es ist immer schwierig, möglichlist viele Informationen möglichst übersichlich und einfach darzustellen.

      It isn’t a technical problem. It’s more something to keep the simple overview and readabilty together. The fonts are already kinda tiny and with more informations it’s possible that text/numbers gets cut in half or is getting unreadable. It’s always hard to create and show the most of informations while beeing easy readable and understandable at the same time.

  6. Manasi says:

    What an absolutely kick ass site . Hats off to whoever maintains it and keeps it running!

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