Archive for 2009

Delve War II Maps

Comments Off on Delve War II Maps Monday, February 16th, 2009

Nearly 2 Weeks after the start of the new Delve War II, i thought it would great to have a combined map that shows the 3 former BoB home regions in the south-west of New Eden.

Delve, Period Basis, Querious
Detorid, Insmother, Scalding Pass, Wicked Creek

If anybody would provide me some moon details about the  region (Delve/Period Basis) i would be happy. Everybody is speaking that the south-west is the richest region with the most R64 moons. Let us bring light into the darkness of the space.

The maps above are currently lacking of region border lines. I’ll add them in the next days.

Happy fighting.

3776 Ship Kills in Delve (last 24h) and more

1 Comment Friday, February 13th, 2009
Most Violent Regions (2009-02-13)

Most Violent Regions (2009-02-13)

After i heard about Shrike’s 4th titan loss and all the fighting about the BoB Kenzuku Space, I thought that it would be time to ask my database who many ships got killed in the last 24h. But what i discovered is just insane.

No doubt. Delve is on place 1 with 3776 ship kills in the last 24h (over the whole region and not limited to any single alliance). The next 0.0 region (Curse) is far far away from being dangerous, with only 578 kills. Even in empire space is currently more action then in any other 0.0 region, expect Delve.

More Stats

Moon Mining Database Update:

I would like to thank those people who already donated me moonscans  in the last weeks.  You can now check out Pure Blind, Venal and parts of Vale of the Silent. I’ve still some more system and constellations laying around, that I’ll add in the next weeks.

If you would like to contribute moon scans to the database: feel free to send me an EveMail (ingame) or an E-Mail (

Moon Mining database and enhanced alliance informations

15 Comments; Monday, February 2nd, 2009

Due to the great feedback i recently added several new features and pages.

Moon Mining Database:
I added a moon database to the evemaps webpage. Those database covers the moon mineral distribution. The region overview page shows you the moon mineral distribution along with  which system covers which kind of moons plus a complete summary for the region itself. On the system details page you can now find  a list of all moons including their raw materials.

This database is not part of CCP’s static database export and completely based on user reports. There’s no guarantee that minerals are correct or even complete.

The first inital input of moon minerals is taken from moon surveys i could find on That contains some lowsec systems (from the Moon Map Project) and Moon Scans from the 0.0 regions Deklein, Fountain and Querious.

If you want to improve the moon mining database, please contact me ingame or send a mail to wollari @ I’ll find a way to import your lists into my database.

Here are some nice screenshots from the moon mining lists:

Moons per Regions

Moons per regions

Moons Per System

Moons per system

Recently Gained/Lossed Systems
Another idea came from a comment in my last blog. To monitor the big wars between GBC vs NC/Goon it would be cool to see the last lost and gained systems from an alliance in the last weeks. Here we go.

Recently lost systems (last 3 weeks) (Goonswarm)

Recently lost systems (last 3 weeks) (Goonswarm)

The get a better overview (especially for the larger alliances) i moved the alliance information’s into 3 tabs. Outposts/Systems, Member Corporations and Recent Changes.

Grid on PDF Maps
In the eve-online forum, Teclador asked if i could add a grid to the PDF maps, for easier reading and coordination on voice comms. I hope the new layout is fine for you.

Grid on PDF Maps

Grid on PDF Maps

New Player Outposts
Additional to the last 5 new outposts on the sidebar, I’ve added a page on request that shows the last 30 outposts with more detailed informations.

Visitors 2008

12 Comments; Saturday, January 10th, 2009

Thanks to all visitors outside who are using and promoting my maps. I’m happy to see that the number of users is growing month by month, day by day.

January ’09: 19.8 GB 126575
December: 13.3 GB 97853
November: 9 GB 61724
October: 6 GB 40478
September: 4.5 GB 23549
Access Stats 2008

Access Stats 2008

If you’ve any suggestions what features or informations you’re missing (which are usally available for public from CCP) please let me know and/or leave a comment. Recently i’ve been playing around with javascript to add an autocompleter to the System/Alliance Search. I’ve also a way to highlight all systems of a constellation.

Before i forget it: I wish you a happy new year and good pvp kills. My the lag be with you.

I just added the new Numbers for January ’09. Awesome.

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