Due to the great feedback i recently added several new features and pages.
Moon Mining Database:
I added a moon database to the evemaps webpage. Those database covers the moon mineral distribution. The region overview page shows you the moon mineral distribution along with which system covers which kind of moons plus a complete summary for the region itself. On the system details page you can now find a list of all moons including their raw materials.
This database is not part of CCP’s static database export and completely based on user reports. There’s no guarantee that minerals are correct or even complete.
The first inital input of moon minerals is taken from moon surveys i could find on eve-files.com. That contains some lowsec systems (from the Moon Map Project) and Moon Scans from the 0.0 regions Deklein, Fountain and Querious.
If you want to improve the moon mining database, please contact me ingame or send a mail to wollari @ dotlan.net. I’ll find a way to import your lists into my database.
Here are some nice screenshots from the moon mining lists:
Moons per regions
Moons per system
Recently Gained/Lossed Systems
Another idea came from a comment in my last blog. To monitor the big wars between GBC vs NC/Goon it would be cool to see the last lost and gained systems from an alliance in the last weeks. Here we go.
Recently lost systems (last 3 weeks) (Goonswarm)
The get a better overview (especially for the larger alliances) i moved the alliance information’s into 3 tabs. Outposts/Systems, Member Corporations and Recent Changes.
Grid on PDF Maps
In the eve-online forum, Teclador asked if i could add a grid to the PDF maps, for easier reading and coordination on voice comms. I hope the new layout is fine for you.
Grid on PDF Maps
New Player Outposts
Additional to the last 5 new outposts on the sidebar, I’ve added a page on request that shows the last 30 outposts with more detailed informations.