JumpRange Tool Update

4 Comments; September 26th, 2009

Highsec ConnectionsBased on the idea from Kirith Kodachi in his last comment about the jump range/planner, I just added a new feature. If you use the jump range tool, systems with a highsec connection will gets highlighted (HighSec Connections). In the Jump Options you can also filter for them to only show those systems.

I hope that helps planning your logistic trips.

New EVE Online Ingame Browser

6 Comments; September 18th, 2009

CCP has released the first beta of their new ingame browser (called Moondoggie) which comes with the next upcoming winter expansion Dominion. According to the latest Dev Blog, it’s based on a modifcated version of the rendering engine webkit which is used by Google’s Chrome browser.

As webkit is a feature rich and complete rendering engine, you can display almost modern web pages. Moondoggie is support Javascript, CSS, SVG, etc. You can even watch movies on youpor^H^H^Htube with your ingame browser while mining or waiting for your fleet.

I already checked my evemaps and the svg rendering engine of webkit is producing good results as I would expect them from a modern web browser. I already added a quick test page for a new Radar feature that will display your current position on a map or show you system details if you’re in wormhole space. But Moondoggie is still in an early development phase.

Here are some nice screenshots who the new ingame browser and evemaps are working together.

Lets see what we can do with the new upcoming ingame browser. Any suggestions?

EVE Online API Down

Comments Off on EVE Online API Down September 14th, 2009

As you already may know, the API Interface to EVE Online is currently offline to debug the latest server side issues. I know my maps are depending heavly on them. Let’s hope CCP is able to fix this in the next upcoming hours.

When the API Services get’s restored, the database should get their data and everything should should be updated automatically as usual.

Minor JumpDistance Calculation Bug Fixed

4 Comments; September 9th, 2009

Calculations in eve are sometimes wired. Today I got the information that a pilot got stuck on his route because of a rounding error in the jump distance.


Maximum Jump Range (Pilot skills included): 7.875 ly
The calculated real distance: 7.87484372076 ly

My jump planer said yes, eve client said no. Wired math to be honest.

I tweaked some internal calculations, recreated my jump graph and removed now outdated, bugged caches. Maybe CCP can tell me how they’re doing the calculation.

I hope you won’t get stuck anymore. Fly safe!

Statistics August 2009

Comments Off on Statistics August 2009 September 5th, 2009

A few month have past, since I wrote the latest update about the visitor and traffic stats on evemaps. All I can say: “I’m proud”. The visitor count in the last year increased by 1000% combined with the traffic. I’m even more happy, that the days and weeks I put into optimization are showing big results. One of the biggest traffic savers was the move from Flash to VML for Internet Explorer users. Do I really have to comment the following numbers?

In Details

Month Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr Mai Jun Jul Aug
Traffic 6gb 9gb 13gb 20gb 40gb 63gb 67gb 79gb 78gb 75gb 62gb
Visits 40k 62k 98k 127k 206k 237k 257k 307k 377k 393k 394k
Pages 242k 387k 621k 796k 1.3m 1.5m 1.8m 2.2m 2.9m 3m 3.1m

Source: Webalizer, Datarange: October 2008 – August 2009

Here’s the nice little Webalizer Usage chart:

Webalizer Usage Stats Oct 08 - Aug 09

Webalizer Usage Stats Oct 08 - Aug 09

Jump Planer Usage:

After doing some more research on the access stats on the newly added Jump Planer I realized that already 74k requests to the jump planer have been made (50k of those were unique requests). The Jump Planer is now on place 4 of the most used pages in evemaps (according google analytics).

Some more Google Analytics Stats:

Most Used Pages
  1. Alliances (all)
  2. Maps (all)
  3. Sovereignty Changes
  4. Jump Planer
Top Referrer
  1. Google
  2. EveOnline
  3. Eve-Ru
  4. EveGer
  5. Scrapheap
Visitors by Country
  1. United States
  2. Germany
  3. Russia
  4. United Kingdom
  5. Canada

According to Google Analytics I had 67k unique visitors in the last 30 days and 264k unique visitors in the last half year. Those numbers compared with the number of paid eve online subscriptions (minus alts accounts) is quite impressive, even if you divide the number of visitors by 2 (Home/Work PC).

Anyway, I just checked the clock … I should better log off … 4am here.

Added Jump Bridge to the Jump Planer

Comments Off on Added Jump Bridge to the Jump Planer August 27th, 2009

After multiple requests, I removed the internal ship limitation and added the Jump Bridge for the Jump Planer. Additional I modified the rules that gets applied to the routing calculation

  • Jump Bridge has a fixed jump range of 5 light years, not affected by the pilot skills.
  • Jump Bridges must pass Non-NPC Space. A Jump Bridge can’t go through NPC 0.0 Space!
  • I’ve not limited the calculation to Sov Levels or alliance systems, because its a planning tool and should not be affected by the current sovereignty holders and levels.

Have fun.

btw. Fanfest is coming closer!

Colorized Maps 2, Statistic History

2 Comments; August 25th, 2009

ConstellationsSome days ago I introduced the ability to fill the maps with more colors like security status and number of shipkills. Today I was playing around with some more javascript stuff and came up with the idea how to improve the usage and navigation with this infolayer. The map will know use the browser history while switching between the info layers, you can always can go back in your browser and it switch backs to the previous informations. The map also safes the currently used infolayer. If you switch to a different region map or shuffling through the page, the selected infolayer will stay during that session.

Additionally, info layers like belt and moon count got their colors (green = less belts, red = max belts) aswell as the constellation groups.

I justed fixed one feature with the infolayer: If you scroll back in the timeline of the map, the kills/jumps, etc of that day (downtime to downtime) will get display. That way it’s easy to track the usage (Jumps, Kills) of a system, constellation or the whole region. Remember: My database only contains the last 30 days of those stats due to the huge ammout of data (500mb+)

Example (now with fixed links):

New old alliances

Comments Off on New old alliances August 21st, 2009

Thanks to Johnathan Roark who provided me a bunch of outdated alliance data (names, tickers and ids). Yesterday I added around 300+ already disbanded alliances which my database were lacking. I don’t have much informations about them like former corporations or systems they were holding but at least I could fill some holes. Sadly I didn’t paid attention and added an alliance with allianceID 0 (Zero) which ended with some funny results on numerous pages.

As always: If you’ve old or current data of whatever type and you’re willing to share it with the rest of the EVE Community: Drop me an email or evemail and I’ll see what I can do.

Alliance Logos Updated

4 Comments; July 28th, 2009

AllianceI updated the alliance logos based on CCP’s Apocrypha image package and the user maintained allianceID to iconID mapping list. To bad that many of the older, disbanded alliances aren’t in my database because I don’t have any informations (name, id, ticker, etc) about them.

I also removed the black background from all alliance images. I think they’re looking better on a clean background. What do you think?

If you’ve historical API XML files and/or backups from sovereignty and alliance API exports, I would be happy if you’re willing to share it with me.

Colorized Maps

2 Comments; July 28th, 2009

After fixing the maps for the Internet Explorer I started the next big map update. First I fixed some alignment errors in the SVG maps but in the background I was more working with javascript to get the SVG and VML Maps colorized. If you now take one map and change the info layer to Sov, Security, Jumps, Kills, NPC Kills or Moons the Systems will get colorized.

But what do I’ve to say more expect take a deep breath and enjoy the pictures and updated maps.

P.S. The moon colors are linked with my moon mining database. If there’s a R64 moon in specific system it will be displayed red, dark orange if the max rarity moon is R32 and so on. The same colors like the moon mining database. Here again the call. If you’ve moonscans from regions please feel free to email them to me.

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